Sunday, July 7, 2013

Coming out of the wig closet?

In 2005, my hair started to fall out in big chunks and by the fall of that same year I was wearing a 3/4 hair piece (still difficult for me to call it a wig).  It was my first year of teaching and I had no idea which kind of hair piece to wear.  I experimented with brown, black, long and short.  I remember one of my students asking me if I was wearing a hair piece.  Reluctantly, I said "yes."  With a supportive statement she said something like it was all good.  Alopecia is not a well-known disease and only 2% of the U.S. have it so I was very appreciative of the support.  

I do not mind curiosity so I am open to questions and comments just not to stares.  Fortunately, I have supportive parents who would not mind if I wore a head piece or not and a supportive partner who encourages me to go without it.  However, I am not there yet.  It has been a long road, but I still feel confident with hair on my head.  While others who live with Alopecia are brave enough to go hairless, I commend them and hope to get there someday.  

It is a goal of mine to get more involved in the Alopecia community and bring more awareness.  There is no cure, but there is so much research that still needs to be done.  Like other types of illnesses, it takes money for research, but I have not come across an Alopecia Awareness Walk or something to that affect.  Makes me wonder... One day I may come out of the "closet" to not only be able to get up and go, but to show that I live with Alopecia and it is nothing to be ashamed about.